Dogs behave aggressively for many reasons. If you are not strongly the alpha pack leader then your dog will want to try and take on that position, or as a puppy something bad happened that is now triggering aggression. Find out when and what is causing the aggression then you can deal with it, and the sooner the better. If you let aggressive dog behavior go on for a long time you end up being scared of your dog and it is potentially dangerous for yourself and others.
How early can Aggressive Behavior Start? It can be as young as six weeks old. When socializing with other dogs and people it is important to teach your puppy not to bite people, but also that it is ok to "play" with dogs. Socializing your dog is important in the first 14 weeks and depending on your dog this period could go for much longer.
This could mean several things. 1. Don't take your new puppy away from the litter before eight weeks old. 2. When you bring your puppy home at eight weeks, it is important not to be too stern within the first 2 weeks. Instead create a gentle environment. 3. Shouting and hitting can lead to aggressive behavior in dogs.
4. Aggressive behavior can be avoided if your dog is completely socialized with other dogs and people by 14 weeks.
Aggressive behavior can be triggered by various factors. Some dogs are breed for temperament, however this is not set in concrete. Neutered and Spayed dogs tend to be a lot more docile.
Environment plays a major role in whether your dog will become aggressive or not. If your puppy is frightened at a young age or attached by a dog or human at a young age, lives in terrible conditions with no socializing - this will create a dog who is prone to aggressive behavior.
To stop aggression show your dog you are the pack leader. If your dog is shown aggressive behavior he may be testing the water for dominance. When you establish that you are top dog for him as a puppy it is important to continue with that theme through his adolescence, so you are always in control.
Controlling and Stopping Dog's aggressive behaviors.
A dog has reached full sexual maturity at 14 months. If there is any signs of aggression particularly if they have been altered then you should be addressing this as soon as possible. The first thing to look at is the pecking order. Are you top dog - the alpha pack leader? Only associate rewards with good behavior, never with aggression or aggression from scared behavior.
Your voice and commands are key to a well controlled dog. When feeding and walking make sure you are the dominant leader. The saying - give an inch and they take a mile also can be related to letting up on your dog around the home and this can result in them being more aggressive to others.
If you do your job and train your dog well there is less likelihood of your dog being defensive or aggressive and reduces any chance of him striking out at a person as a result of fear. Dogs that strike out generally have not been socialized. If your dog does show signs of aggression, until you can have them trained keep them away from anything they may see as a threat like small children.
Owners with aggressive dogs is more common than you think but it can be fixed even with an older dog. Professionals are always a good alternative if you think the problem could become violent.
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